R&D Top 30
“We innovate on behalf of and together with our customers, and we will not stop before we have created a working solution. We invest a lot of time into researching and testing the latest technologies,” our CTO Serge de Vos said when Technolution was recently included in the R&D Top 30 of the Technisch Weekblad for the second time in a row.
Creating and realizing innovative and creative solutions for technical problems is why Technolution was founded, and it is still our raison d’etre.
Newly invented solutions
Each project can – no, has to include a newly invented, creative solution. Your creativity will be tested again and again in various ways.
Sometimes the integration into other systems might be the complex factor, while at other times the challenge might be to create processing speeds that stretch the boundaries of science.
What is even more exciting, is that each customer is different and works in a different field. From Rijkswaterstaat, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and Eneco to NFI and ASML.
“Innovation and new technologies are like oxygen to a company like Technolution. When you believe in a new development and you are willing to give it your all, you will always find support here. Does it suit Technolution? Is there a possible business case? Then let’s do it! I found my niche in machine learning. Something that started as an in-depth home project, has now grown into a fully-fledged expertise within Technolution.”
Contact Christina and Dorith
Would you like more information about graduation, internships or working at Technolution? Our recruiters Christina and Dorith will be happy to answer all your questions!
+31(0) 182 594050
✉ jobs@technolution.nl
☎ +31(0) 182 59 40 00
Typical Technolution
- Software, electronics and programmable logic
- Working in different domains: mobility, energy, safety and security, industry and high tech
- Researching new technologies
- Always delivering a working solution
- Great relationship with technical universities
- Each project requires a new, creative solution