Vision Cloud Solution gives grid operators insight
Phase to Phase in Arnhem develops advanced software applications for clients in the electricity sector, and the most recent expansion of its portfolio is Vision Cloud Solution. This application fully automatically calculates, analyzes and assesses low and medium-voltage networks, both for as-is situations and what-if analyses. Vision Cloud Solution works with open standards, uses modern technology and open sources and can be extended with tailor-made interfaces for clients’ own applications.
Valuable information for the energy transition
The energy transition presents grid operators and other parties in the energy sector with great challenges. The share of sustainable solar and wind energy is constantly increasing. The higher grid loads that this causes can lead to grid congestion on the outer ends of the power grids, and this carries the risk of overvoltage (or undervoltage) and overloading of electronic components. A well-known phenomenon that is occurring ever more frequently is that solar panels have to be shut down on sunny days.
Vision Cloud Solution allows users to simulate their power grids realistically and obtain insight into the consequences of chances on the network. It can rapidly calculate the effects of a wide range of scenarios, for example the growing number of solar panels, heat pumps or charging stations. Vision Cloud Solution offers true simulations and visualizations of power grids at building, neighborhood, city and provincial level. In this way, this Phase to Phase application is able to provide asset managers, grid designers, relationship managers, spokespersons and business control centers with valuable information and knowledge. These users obtain insight – at macro and micro levels – into the current and future behavior of their low and medium-voltage networks
Thorough-going understanding of power grids
Phase to Phase’s great strength is its thorough-going understanding of the mathematics and physics that underlie the power grids (see for instance the authoritative book ‘Netten voor distributie van elektriciteit‘). The algorithms that Vision Cloud Solution uses have been and are still being developed for desk top applications such as Vision Network Analysis and Gaia LV Network Design. Technolution Spark contributed to the development of Vision Cloud Solution on the basis of our knowledge of the fields of multi-disciplinary system integration and cloud development.

The versatility of its many possible applications and the accessibility of the cloud technology have turned Vision Cloud Solution into a success almost overnight. This success is due also to the active contribution of the many market parties that are participating in the user group that Phase to Phase has formed.
Vision Cloud Solution’s knowledge of the network is continuously being further enriched with insights from new data sources, for example measurement data from substations in mid-voltage units. The collaboration with Technolution Spark also opened up access to new sources, such as data from smart meters which is being collected via the privacy-secure Meter Frontend solution, or from substations in Germany, which is being made available through sensors connected to Technolution Spark’s ‘Open Edge Application Platform’ platform.
Getting ready for the energy transition together
The successful collaboration on the development of the Vision Cloud Solution created a special synergy between Phase to Phase and Technolution, which led to Phase to Phase becoming part of Technolution in 2019. With our two companies’ knowledge and expertise now joined up, we’re ready for the challenges of the energy transition. Together, we can offer the energy market a broad package of applications, application development and system integration, in combination with extensive domain expertise, ranging from cloud technology and artificial intelligence to electrotechnical models based on advanced algorithms.